Sexton is going to get screwed
No one can accuse me of being a Johnny Sexton fan, but as much as Mr Misery irritates the life out of me with his constant whingeing on the field, referees, and their lack of accountability to anyone, piss me off immensely. They are answerable to nobody but their own little cabal and they are protected by every single board and organising body. They always back the official. The game has become all about them. Little celebrities in their own minds. In recent years everyone has fallen foul of criticising the match day officials. Some have been punished more than others (that’s a post for another day though) some have gotten away with nothing but a few column inches in a blog somewhere. But, to a man, all are critical of the level of officiating. There are almost no officials worthy of a test match these days but no one is telling them how bad they are, because everyone is too scared to do it!! Sexton was wrong according to the standard, but being threatened with a 10 week ban for los